Table of Contents
This section of the wiki contains information about the current implementation of The Wizards. It describes how current features are implemented and designed, and decisions that have been made or rules that should be followed. This is to ensure stability of the implementation.
There is also information about planning and tasks to complete.
Please follow the CodingGuidelines!
More information of how the documentation can be found in HowToDocument
A list of ready to be implemented features can be found here ReadyToImplementFeatures.
This section lists all the features present in the code. This should contain very short summaries, more information can be optained on the specific pages for each feature.
- TheWizardsEngine Tools and utilities for hosting and developing gameplay code
- RenderingFramework Custom written rendering engine
- AiSystem Artificial intelligence related features
- MathLibrary Mathematical helpers and algorithms
- ProceduralGeneration Procedural asset/content generation
- RtsTestcase The first testcase, featuring a RTS gameplay
- QuestTestcase The second testcase, featuring a example quest
Now begins the unorganized stuffs!
- The Planning page contains the current short term task list to be completed
- Small tasks has minor features that should be implemented but are independent from the rest of development
- The TODO-list contains any tasks that have to be completed, things to consider, memo's
- Info on nasty creatures inside the code is in the Bugs-page
Overall design
- Application overview describes the Application-Logic paradigm used in The Wizards.
- Storage of data is described in the Data System
Following pages describe the different modules in The Wizards