General Blackboard
This blackboard can contain anything, and anyone can add idea's here.
If the idea's are related to features that have been accepted already in The Wizards, and have there seperate Concept pages, those ideas are better placed in there.
- Bioluminesance, make creatures and plants lit up in the dark, gameplay feature if you learn to not use a lamp or fire you can see more of the world and gives you an advantage
- Different kind of races, I know this was not in the basic ideas but you can implement it by using the genetic kind of AI in this for exemple you have an elf and an human race these deffere in looks and other capabilities but it’s possible for the human race to involve into the elf race or visa versa
- Genetic ai , ai has to live and multiply if they don’t they cana extinct with in the game, they give physical characterics through to there children like; form, size, color, texturepatern, the foodsource
- Learning ai by curiosity an creature can see that by eating a kind of plant the other dies and therefore he learn not to eat it or he learns to avoid certain kind of creatures or that some creatures can have an positive effect on them. When can put explain these things by giving the creatures instincts, these instincts can chance and is not something they learn durind there life time
- Creating a game world that can exist on it’s own, a world that is exciting to watch without any human players involved just to watch how all the creatures react on each other and how they evolve, it’s like a a living sandbox almost an science experiment
- Random places in the world where magic creates this upwards forces wich gives this stunning and interesting environments with flooting rocks connected with roots and plants and seaweed like plants growing and waving in the wind, an underwater experience but than on the surface. Creaters with these sail looking wing sailing on the wind and on these upwards forces
- Make somekind of sand box in which players can create new spells or just practice some new moves or just a place where they can go where there actions not directly have a negative effect, there are no other people around here. This world can be explaind by the player being in a lotus/ meditation/sleeping position from where he does all these things in his thoughts
- Give the player some easy controls make user movies, by creating an easy spectature camera wich is easy to handel and use. This will encourage the player to create movies, they than post these movies on youtube which enables use to get some free and use full commercial for our game
- Avatar based vegetation gives a magical impression, some introduction to technology but we have to create technology based on magical features.
- A trade system like in silkroad, only it needs a boast in the way that you can trade even from a low level and that the risk and profit shouldn’t vary as much. One way to do this is having the abilty to hire bot guards to protect your caravan. To make it possible for low levels, icrease the price they want for there gua rding as the players level increases(although we don’t want expiernce) . the only problem with this is that it goes against the principles of economics.
- Give the player the ability to create roads dirt, gravel ,stone the more advanced the faster you can walk on it. This would give the player the possibility to make treaties between cities to improve trading by creating a route. This would also mean that if people start trading that most of them will take the general road because it goes faster. So if people want to steal they will most likely be found along these routes.
- If you give the player the ability to steal from other people there has to be away in which it is possible but also not easy to steal from starting people
- Make a force map for the ocean so that if you throw something (like a piece of wood) in the water that is flows away. This could not only create more realistic oceans but could also improve gameplay because this way there will be islands where a lot of stuff arrives. I t could also be used for the transport of goods on floating rafts.
- Relativity is a very important factor not only in life but also in games. To make things look small make all the others look big and visa versa . these objects must be known by the player how big they are example in the movie avatar these creatures are bigger than humans what you can see during mixed scenes but in the other scenes it’s impossible to tell that they are bigger since we don’t have a decent reference to look at.
- Creatures shouldn't just walk,eat,… they should also be able to influence there environment an example: an ent should eat earth-,water energy where it walks it should leave a trail of plants behind, it's a source of sowing new trees flowers, it's a way of creating a dynamic environment with out having to change a lot ot other gameplay features.
concept/generalblackboard.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/26 13:25 by