====== RTS Testcase ====== Programming guidelines can be found in RtsProgrammingGuidelines. The frame structure of the RTS testcase is described in RTSFrameStructure. ===== Features ===== * **[[:documentation:playertargetingsimulator|PlayerTargetingSimulator]]**: supports that the [[:documentation:userplayer|UserPlayer]] shows the targeted entity. * **[[:documentation:droppedthing|DroppedThing]] ** represents an item in the world. * **Thing** is currently an abstract representation of a droppedthing that is not physical, but this is __to be removed__. * **PlayerGroundAttacker** Implements a ground attack where a rock is kicked upwards from below ground. * **SimplePlayerMovementController** implements basic movement (xz plane). * **RtsSandboxTest** a sandbox test showing all feature of the rts ===== Frame structure ===== The frame structure is implemented in a hierarchy of simulators. These simulators use components that are implemented in various places, and implement some of services that these components require. Note that this frame structure is implemented in the [[documentation:rtssandboxtest]]. More details are in the class documentation * NetworkReceiveSimulator * InputSimulator * UserPlayerSimulator * Looking & movement * Attacking * Building * Pickup * [[documentation:NPCSimulator]] * Enemy AI (EnemyAISimulator) * Friendly goblins: (GoblinCommandsSimulator) * Cannons * RiverSimulator * MagicSimulator * AnimationSimulator * NetworkSendSimulator * RendererSimulator