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sourcedirectorystructure [2013/09/03 10:08] (current)
mhgamework created
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 +====== Source code directory structure ======
 +Here's some info about the source code:
 +  * **/The Wizards.sln** contains the full solution for the wizards. This gives you access to all the code. It takes some time to compile though.
 +  * **/The Wizards Gameplay/The Wizards Gameplay.sln** contains the solution or gameplay development. Use this when not working on the core engine, this solution will compile a lot faster.
 +  * **/BuildAll.bat** compiles all of the wizards! Use this when you do not want to start visual studio or open the entire wizards solution (eg when working on gameplay).
 +  * **/bin/** is the root folder containing all the run-time files. This folder should contain all the necessary files to run The Wizards.
 +  * **/bin/Binaries/** contains all the compiled binaries from the source code.
 +  * **/bin/Binaries/NewModules.exe** is the engine executable. Run this file to run the engine!
 +  * **/bin/GameData/** contains all the assets used when running The Wizards. The 'GameData' folder in the assets dropbox should be copied to this folder in order to get all the assets! (will be automated in the future)
 +  * **/bin/GameData/Core/** folder is under version control, so add crucial files for unit testing here. However **do not add large files here** since they will be in the repository forever! For large files use the assets dropbox!
sourcedirectorystructure.txt ยท Last modified: 2013/09/03 10:08 by mhgamework